"I wish I do not add stress to your life.. you know, you should not add stress to people's life." -Aunty Mary
My life has been stressful enough, and I believe many other people's too. We are all living in a pressure cooker. What a nice world it would be if everyone knows how to "be tough on yourself, but try to be understanding toward others."
It is the Valentine's Day. It was quite happening at school. I saw people carrying bouquets and love balloons, and other fancy stuffs. and I am still in my very own pressure cooker. :D But seeing all that, had made me think to redefine relationship. In a world where so much can go wrong over a little, it's easier just not to get involved at all. But how much can you stay away? Does nothing matter to you at all? Does something or someone ever really matter to you? The border between true friendship and mere mutualism networking gets more and more vague these days. People make time for you because you are important to them, so they are investing their time with you because they no they can get something in return in the future, be it companion ( cos no one wants to be alone ), connection/network, help. So it follows that things/people they dont make time for are unimportant, is it...?
Why adding stress to your own life? This week's stresses are strenuous enough to explode several blood vessels in my body, it is a very slow suicide.