is today.

I don't know where to start.. too many things and thoughts to scream out.

I woke up early this morning.
"Aaaahhh.. baru bangun.. Selamat pagi Tuhan Yesus, selamat pagi dunia, selamat pagi matahari...selamat pagi semuanya! Pagi yang cerah, pagi yang indah.. Tidur lagi ah."


So, after PC1143 lecture I went to YIH to print some documents. After printing I went to the toilet.  In short, I left my pouch there and completely did not realize it. And then I just went smoothly to PC1143 lab session. After that, I felt so hungry (I think this is due to working too much on equations) and intended to buy some snack before going on to the next lecture.

damdamdamdam...while I picked my fave snacks, I sang Tchaikovsky Piano concerto No.1... damdamdam~ my hand wandered around my whole backpack and try to reach my pouch damdamdam~ oh not there, maybe in my pocket. damdamdam~ whoa, neither there... damdamdam(amplitude decrease, vibration staggering) I need to look inside my bag.. damda m d a   m.. S I L E N C E..


I quickly rushed back to the lab, while waiting inside the lift I tried to have flashback. I then remembered that I left it on the soap container when I washed my hands in YIH toilet.

So, I went to YIH and searched through the toilet. Nooooooooooooooooooo, it's not there..

At this point, I really felt like crying:
1. Gonna have MA1506 test in the following 4 hrs and I need to bring my matric card
2. My credit card was inside the pouch
3. Debit card too
4. $7 EZ link card
5. some cashes

I went to SCC and report this and ask for card replacement. But the officer said that I need to make police report to the nearest police stn which is at Clementi.. It was so hot and I was so tired and hungry, my body was worn out, but my soul was even more.

I then helplessly went back to PGP. Just then, I found 1 more reason on why I should cry


I then went to the management office and finally had my transp replaced BUT with s$40 fine

I get into my room, and searched through some info in the net
1. Credit card loss: s$5 charge
2. Matric card loss : s$ 16
3. Debit card loss : irreplacable
4. not to say, transponder : s$40


Then I open my email to tell my prof that I had lost my matric card, and just then, I saw a new msg in my inbox:

Lost Pouch in YIH
Somebody found it, and that person was Vee Nee my classmate in previous ES1301!!!! I was so thankful!!! I would like to scream : YAYYYYYYY!! YUHUUUUU!!!CIHUY!!! I love you Vee Nee!!!!

So excited I was, I become so fueled up for MA1506 test and I did the test so cheerfully and peacefully!
Thanks a bunch, Jesus..... :)

I did not call Andri and cry to him, just like what I supposedly will be doing, since he is not here at the moment. He will be in Nias for the following 2 days for his Red Cross project there... Hahaha... I am curious what he would do then.. Anyway, during his departure, I will be having affair with CS1101C sit in lab and PC1144 test.. heheheh

And today ,and yesterday too, is sooo hot... If someone could have been heated to death, it would be in my bedroom. El heat us up..

So long...

Posted on

Monday, March 1, 2010

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