The tick-tick sound woke me up at 5 am. then I looked outside. It was raining.. I then walked out, and washed my face. I intended to attend the Holy Mass today. I was still so sleepy and dizzy, still not enough sleep , last nite slept so late. I gazed out of the window to the darkness of the dawn, then I fell asleep again... Xb I can't help it, it was so peaceful and serene. Not to mention, the breeze....
But, I missed to Holy Mass X(
So it is near 9 am now, I am officially awake then. And it is still raining! Thank God. After days of El Nino heat these past few months the rain seems to be a very big blessing.
But, still, I missed the Holy Mass, I have been struggling for morning mass this week. And it was so hard to get early in the morning. Firstly, due to last week's test schedule I often had sleep debt and end up working until late at night. So, now I have difficulty to sleep early. Keep struggling. Jia you.
oso, everybody, who happens to read this post, please pray for my grandfather. He fainted on his birthday last week and now is in hospital. He was always healthy, never fell ill, exercise regularly, but now he is very ill. He got stroke. So now he cannot speak, or move, he can only gaze with emptiness in his eyes. My mom told me that he is so shocked and he often shed tears in his silence.. I am not really close to him. But now I somehow feel so much attached to him. I pray to God, please give him a chance to know Your love in his life.
today's agenda:
1. finish CS1101C take home lab
2. attempt set B CS1101C sit in lab
3. study for CS1101C term test
4. finish Mastering Physics PC1143
5. attend NUSChoir concert at Esplanade Concert Hall, oh this,,, they should have make it free admission for students... ckckckc.. hope they could impress me. heheheh
Rain o rain, chill us out, wash away the dullness of hearts..
Thanks God, for a very beautiful beginning of the day.
Beautiful = Rainy + No test today :D