I'm moving to the brighter side of life.
Have been stuck with few things here, few problems, they are.
But it is during these hard times you get to see how kind people are, how they would get out of their way to help.
Therefore I am thankful for everything, grateful of everything, especially for one particular thing.
Ow yeah, now I really feel that I am naturally lucky.
June 2011
Snowdrops and daffodils
butterflies and bees
sailboats and fishermen
things of the sea
wedding bells
early morning dew
all kinds of everything remind me of you
Seagulls and aeroplanes
things of the sky
winds that go howlin'
breezes that sigh
city sights
neon lights
grey skies or blue
all kinds of everything remind me of you
spring and autumn too
Tuesday every day
I think of you.
things of the night
sunshine and holidays
postcards to write
Budding trees
autumn leaves
a snowflake or two
all kinds of everything remind me of you.
spring and autumn too
seasons will never change
the way that I love you.
things of the night
sunshine and holidays
postcards to write
Budding trees
autumn leaves
a snowflake or two
all kinds of everything remind me of you.
What a lovey song.. I can't get enough of this. The singer is Dana White, a Catholic Irish, which makes me love her even more. Her voice is so serene and sweet. It literally reminds me of how beautiful life is, all the good things and memories, all the love and care. Alright then, this shall be my emergency kit when emo-ness attack.
..all kinds of everything, remind me of you..
I seem to devalue the song every time I try to sing along.
I still wish to sing this to someone, tho..
Maybe someday.
Well, although not as good
Speak to me, do you know one thing about love?
Nope. I don't know.
Me neither...
... *sensing a strong inclination of emo-ness*
Then you should go to sleep and have a good night rest now.
Unfortunately, the answer is ME.
I would say the otherwise if he'd spent more time with me, though. :D
I always savor every moment I got to spend with him.
Thank God for this fellow.
I had a (sweet) dilemma several days ago. I want to buy a good compact camera for myself. After days of research and interview, I even visited funan mall several times, I had my eye on a Lumix.
Nothing good comes in low price, though. The best price I could get for this piece is S$520
It is not cheap, I know. Think of what S$520 could have been spent for: buffet in a fancy restaurant, a smartphone, good books.... But I could not resist thinking of having one every time I watch the sun sets, full moon, flowers and trees... I must invest in a good camera...!
But S$520... that's a lot to me.... and I have been spending a lot of money on my coming trip to Europe.
Life is short, you know
Yes! it is 16X optical zoom. I can snap your nerves!
The weather has not been as beautiful as before, though. Yesterday was raining and today was cloudy. I have also passed a full moon and therefore might have to wait for another month to try the zoom on the moon.
But of course, I won't let the weather hinder me from take good pics. Here are some snaps:
playing with the focus
was trying to capture a tiny butterfly FAILED
between the tread and the riser
A pink hummingbird
caught a glimpse of 2 pretty yellow feathered birds while I was waiting for the bus in front of Central Library. Can you spot them?
I set the zoom to its max and capture this person's nerve system!
Will put more pictures for the blog! :D
As I recall, at exactly this very same moment last month, I swore to myself to maximize the meter of effectiveness and enjoyment once I get rid off examinations then. I listed them down :
1. Study Spanish
2. Read more about Sweden and some europe countries that I am gg to visit.
3. Finish a spiritual reading
4. Read something good.
5. Keep fit by regular swimming and jogging, lose some weight
6. Learn realistic b&w drawing
7. Learn knitting --> I also dunno where this come from. suddenly dropped into my train of thoughts
8. Get a camera and take good pictures of nature
9. Write more! Gotta be more!
10. Watch good old movies.
11. Catch up with friends. Make new friends if possible
12. Food hunting
13. Study Physics --> it happened around that period during school days every semester, the thought of "Oh I wish I had spent some time to prepare this during last vacation"
And so now it has been one month since I was granted my freedom (that was, when my Marxist Stats Mechanics professor declared the end of my last paper. I even did 5 mins countdown to kill the time. Mind had run out of idea of what to bluff on my answer sheet). I ended up reaching at this point of time, realising that I have not fulfilled my goal!
I must resist the strong, tempting current of apathy and time wastage! And I mean it! See? I am writing my first post ever after holiday. I am getting myself on the track, ow yeah!
Do you notice that I change the heading of my blog? It has been changed over and over again following my mood-rollercoaster. I know my mood swings easily from one extreme point to another one. I don't know how to get rid off it. It is so uncool. :((
*swoosh* ....and once again I was swept away to the emoland...
It is true that I am not certain of myself. I can't promise myself to consistently write about either only inspiring things or post my everyday compillation poems for suicide. Nor can I write about specific things, like faith, movies, books, study etc etc... I have never been one to say that I am good at anything. (not really, I think I am the best person for fooling around :p) I could even say that I still don't have affection to something great enough to make me write about it.
That won't stop me, though.
Because... ! ! Just as potato chips will taste much nicer when it have ruffles, and so is life! Who would prefer flat chips anyway??!?
Even if you think that was an epic fail to end a post.